Stop making these microdosing mistakes

Microdosing is having its moment in the spotlight. Yet as this trend continues to grow so too does the room for error. Over this summer we welcomed thousands of microdosers through our doors on the Keizersgracht and through online orders. After taking on a lot of feedback and hearing the most common questions, here is our top list of mistakes to avoid when microdosing.

1. Not Setting an Intention

Microdosing is often used as a tool for personal growth, increased productivity, or therapeutic purposes. Setting an intention is crucial because it helps you focus on what you want to achieve with microdosing. Without a clear intention, you might not track your progress effectively or harness the full potential of microdosing. It's great to focus on the why, what and how, For example, these could be some intention statements you may consider

Why do you want to microdose

  • I want to get better focus
  • I want to integrate microdosing into my holistic wellness
  • I want to help my brain and body rest and relax
  • I want better sustained attention and memory

What does it ideally look like in your daily life

  • More meaningful deep conversations
  • Higher memory retention
  • Increased creative ideas at work / study
  • Better regulated mood
  • Improved sleep quality and duration
  • More motivation and less procrastination

How can I check in to see if I am reaching my intention

  • Journaling
  • Talking about the effects of microdosing with a friend
  • Analyzing it with AI
  • Meditation

2. Not Taking the Effort to Find the Sweet Spot/Sweet Routine

Microdosing involves finding the right dosage (the "sweet spot") and a suitable routine for your specific needs. Not putting in the effort to determine what works best for you can lead to ineffective results or even unwanted side effects. We recommend to start with a 1 gram dose and adjust gradually to find what provides the desired benefits without adverse effects. Similarly when it comes to routine there is no one size fits all approach either. For many people doing one day on and two days off works really well but alternatively you can choose to set days in the week to microdose, do three days back to back and four days off, check out our blog on this for more info. The bottom line: Everyone's body and brain chemistry are different. What works for one person may not work the same way for another. Ignoring your personal responsiveness and blindly copying someone else's microdosing regimen may lead to suboptimal results.

3. Not Taking Days Off

Microdosing schedules often involve cycling days, where you take the dose on certain days and have rest days in between. Skipping rest days can lead to tolerance build-up, diminishing the effects of microdosing over time. It's crucial to follow a schedule with breaks to maximize the benefits and minimize potential downsides. Check out our blog on this for more info.

4. Expecting it to be a Miracle Cure and Not Taking a Holistic Approach

Microdosing should be viewed as one tool within a holistic approach to self-improvement or healing. Relying solely on microdosing without addressing other aspects of your well-being, such as diet, exercise, sleep, and mental health, may lead to unrealistic expectations. It's not a guaranteed cure for all issues, and a comprehensive approach to wellness is often more effective.

5. Overemphasizing Short-Term Effects

Microdosing for many people does not yield immediate, dramatic changes. Some people expect instant results and become discouraged if they don't experience them. Due to the nature of microdosing, it is not going to produce altered states of consciousness, yet there is many things it continues to do “in the background”. Patience and a longer-term perspective are important with microdosing

the bottom line

In conclusion, as microdosing gains popularity, it's essential to avoid common mistakes: set clear intentions for personal growth, productivity, or therapy; determine your unique "sweet spot" in dosage and routine; take rest days to prevent tolerance build-up; view microdosing as one part of a holistic self-improvement strategy encompassing diet, exercise, sleep, and mental health; and do not expect immediate changes, recognizing that microdosing operates subtly in the background, necessitating patience and a long-term perspective for its enduring benefits. By navigating these considerations, one can embark on a balanced and informed microdosing journey, maximizing its potential within a broader framework of well-being and self-improvement.