Amsterdam Truffles

Amazonian Spore Vial


Historical accounts suggest that local tribes and shamans stumbled upon these remarkable fungi while navigating the lush and biodiverse landscape of the Amazon. Step into the heart of the rainforest with the Amazonian  Spore Vial. Known for its robust growth and impressive potency.



  • 1 x Spore vial containing millions of spores, dissolved in 10 ml of sterile water.
  • 1 x 20 ml sterile injection needle 
  • 2 x Alcohol wipes 



  1. Incubation Phase: Maintain a temperature of 24-27°C in a dark, controlled environment. Allow the mycelium to establish its network.
  2. Fruiting Phase: Transition to a slightly cooler environment, around 21-24°C, with increased humidity. 

For more information on growing please refer to our grow guide. 



Embrace the Amazonian experience as you journey into altered states of consciousness. Expect heightened sensory perceptions, introspective insights, and a deep sense of connection with the natural world.


Important Safety Warning

The spore vials offered on our webshop are intended for research, educational, and cultivation purposes only. We emphasize that the cultivation and use of these spores are subject to legal regulations in your jurisdiction. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable laws.

Furthermore, we would like to highlight that individual results in cultivation and personal experiences can vary significantly. Factors such as growing conditions, techniques, and individual sensitivity may influence the outcome of your cultivation efforts and the effects experienced. 

We strongly encourage responsible and ethical use of these spore vials, always prioritizing safety, legality, and respectful practices. Educate yourself and make informed decisions. If you are uncertain or have questions, consult a medical professional. Psychedelic experiences can be profound and transformative, but safety and responsibility are paramount.

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